Lab 01 I commented on Mr.Weingartner?s website.

Lab 02 I formatted text with various tags such as: underline, bold, strong, italics, heading tags(h1,h2,...),break, text size and color.

Lab 03 I created an ordered and unordered list with links.

Lab04 I embedded sound, used a picture for a background and used ?alt? tags. I made a picture link to a music clip and a video clip.

Lab05 I created an ordered list inside of an unordered list. At the bottom of the page, I put a JPG image with links.

Lab06 I created a clickable image map with links.

Lab07 I created a table in the form of a chess board with chess pieces in various places.

Lab08 I created two framed pages:8a-index on the left that targets to the right side of the page8b-index on top that targets to the bottom of the page

Lab09 I created a form with radio buttons, check box?s, a drop down menu, a text area and submit and reset buttons.

Lab10 I put JavaScript in five different labs: lab3 has a clock, lab4 has a last date modified, lab5 has a scrolling message, lab7 has a back button, and lab9 has a new date function for the new year.